Holistic Nutritionist, RHNC ~ Reiki Master ~ Certified Health & Life Coach ~ CLinical Hypnotist
Regression Therapist ~ Yoga Teacher
I grew up in a community as a minority, ridiculed almost daily for being the “fat Italian”. Developing self confidence and a positive body image was pretty much impossible. Naturally, I turned to food for comfort and as a way to push down the horrible feelings I felt about myself. Of course after that, what followed was years of crazy dieting, excessive exercising, and vicious self judgment and inevitably, my body image was desecrated, to say the least.
Years later, I married and had two amazing daughters. I felt I had the best life. Happy marriage, great daughters, great profession… life was perfect. When I hit my 40s something changed. Somehow, I felt there was something missing… I was in search for more, but couldn’t understand why I would even want anything more?
My journey inward began and it brought to the surface the many ‘layers’ of issues that years of a poorly developed body and self image created, and it brought deep insight on what my true purpose in life was meant to be. It was on this journey that I realized it was my mission to become Mindset Coach. I discovered things about myself that I didn’t even know existed!